Find Solutions for your problems

There probably is no one living on this Earth that has no problem in life. By and large, everyone is able to manage their problems well. where it concerns everyday problems such waking up late, missing an appointment, delayed deliverables, etc.. Real problems come where it concerns the soft skills which are a combination of people skills, attitudes, communication skills, social skills, emotional traits and behaviours.

When we are not able to find suitable solutions to our problems, it can lead to great deal of stress and anxiety and lead to poor performance. Brian Tracy says people take a haphazard approach to thinking, and then they are amazed when they find themselves floundering and making no progress. In this article, he introduces a problem-solving process that can help one face and tackle any type of challenge.

Lord Sri Krishna, in his Bhagavad Gita has given a lot of advice to Arjuna and to us about various aspects of life. HE also gives solutions to a lot of life problems. In the picture below you will find solutions for some of the problems that would help one develop excellent soft skills. Take your pick and work on it with all your faith.

*We do not know who the author for this image is. We are posting this here for public benefit. Please write to, if you are the author.

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