Effective Communication Skills – 11

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A Lesson on Body Language

We have seen eleven attributes suggested by Lord Ram to enhance the communication skill in the previous episodes. These are taught to us and set as Lord Ram’s praise of Hanuman’s communication skill on their first interaction through slokas 4-3-31 and 4-3-32 of #ValmikiRamayan.  Nine amazing skills extolled by Lord Ram are Being not too elaborate, Unambiguous, Not delayed, Harmonious, Speech raising from the chest or the throat, Conveying in comfortable medium tone, Orderly flow, Wonderful delivery and speaking positive and comforting words. This assessment was possible because Ram Listened to Hanuman patiently. This list makes it TEN techniques for improving your communication skills and the eleventh and final advice from Valmiki to enhance communication skills is the use of appropriate BODY LANGUAGE.
Rama lists these attributes which makes Hanuman an exponent of communication skills in Valmiki Ramayan. Interestingly, Kambar (Tamil poet who wrote Ramayan in Tamil) goes a step further and gives apt title to Hanuman ‘Sollin Selvan’ (one who is wealthy of communication skills) in this sloka from #KambaRamayan:
இல்லாத உலகத்து எங்கும், இங்கு இவன் இசைகள் கூரக்
கல்லாத கலையும், வேதக் கடலுமே” என்னும் காட்சி
சொல்லாலே தோன்றிற்று அன்றே? யார்கொல் இச்
சொல்லின்செல்வன்? –
வில் ஆர்தோள் இளைய வீர! – விரிஞ்சனோ? விடைவலானோ?
Rama addresses Lakshmana about Hanuman and his skills
“Don’t his words show that there’s no skill in this world
that he hasn’t mastered, Nor Vedas he hasn’t grasped?
O’ my archer brother, Who’s this
master of words?
Is he Brahma, the creator? Or the bull riding Lord (referring to Lord Shiva)?”

The Role of Body Language in Hanuman’s Communication

Let us see a story attributed to why Kambar calls Hanuman as an exponent of communication skills.
Lord Ram had more confidence in Hanuman’s skills and commitment and hence sent him along with the group going in the south direction in search of Sita Mata. Hanuman met Sita at Lanka and offered to bring her back in his shoulders. But Sita flatly refused the offer and instead asked Hanuman to convey the message to Lord Ram that she would be waiting for him to conquer Lanka and take her back.
Hanuman hurried back to convey Sita’s message to Rama. On seeing Rama, Hanuman doesn’t wish to extend Rama’s grief even for a split second more. Hence, he conveys a summary of his message in just two choicest words and that too in a spectacular order, கண்டேன் சீதையை, meaning Found Seetha (normal sequence would be Seetha was found)
If he began his sentence with “Seetha”, Rama’s heart would grieve a little more, wondering whether she was found or not. Beginning the sentence with Seetha gives rise to two possibilities, Seetha was found or Seetha was not found. Hanuman did not want to give Rama even that split second’s grief so he began his sentence with “Kanden (meaning found)” which would make it for sure that seetha was found.
கண்டனென், கற்பினுக்கு அணியை, கண்களால்,
தெண் திரை அலைகடல் இலங்கைத் தென் நகர்;
அண்டர் நாயக !இனி, துறத்தி, ஐயமும்
பண்டு உள துயரும்’என்று, அனுமன் பன்னுவான்;
Found her! The great lady who beautifies the word “chastity”. I saw her (Sita) with my own eyes, at the southern city of Srilanka, which is surrounded by the ocean filled with waves and clear skies around. O Lord of the Devas! (Rama). Do away with any ounce of doubt you may have about her chastity and worry no more”, elaborated Hanuman.
It’s important to convey the essence of anything in a clear and concise manner when required. If you are unnecessarily descriptive in conveying news that might be emergency, you are causing a lot of stress for the recipient of the news by beating around the bush.

Body Language and Poetic Beauty in Kamba Ramayan

Kambar thus beautifully explained what Valmiki gave as essential attributes of communication skills. Hanuman was not elaborate, unambiguous, quick to communicate what is expected from him, harmonious, selection of the order of words/sentences and spoke good words which were soothing to Lord Ram.
The poet’s genius and imagination are coming out nicely in the above sloka.That is why Hanuman is extolled as the master of communication skills in both Valmiki Ramayan and Kamba Ramayan.

The word கண்களால் (through eyes) is a poetic beauty. Note that the poet is very succinct and has not said ‘through my eyes’. This gives room for two possible interpretations, and both explain the poet’s ingenuity. 

One is that ‘Hanuman saw with his own eyes’, possibly used that expression to give additional confidence to Lord Ram.

The other explanation is that ‘Hanuman identified Seetha because of her eyes which showed the love and affection as explained to him by Lord Ram as the characteristic of Sita Maa’.

Let us learn from Lord Ram and become an expert in communication by following the eleven essential attributes of communication.
With this, Learning on EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS from RAMAYANA is coming to an end. But there are many more skills to learn from Lord Ram and Ramayana. Wait to Read. Until then, share your feedback, comments and/or questions

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