Monday Musings 56

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We have seen in a previous episode that our thoughts shape our destiny. Our thoughts can take us to great heights or can cause the downfall and the choice is in our hands. This is beautifully explained by Lord Krishna in this Bhagavad Gita sloka.

उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् |

आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: ||
Bhagavad Gita 6.5||

We see people blaming everyone and everything other than themselves for their problems as if entire world is conniving to act against them. They never think of looking inward for the solutions to their problems. Lord Krishna compiled this verse exclusively for these people.

Our greatest enemy is often ourselves, no one else. By practicing self-management, leaders can overcome their own negative tendencies and become more effective in their roles.

Translation – Let a man be lifted up by his own self; let him not lower himself; for he himself is his friend, and he himself is his enemy (You grow in front of your own eyes when you make your mind your best friend and you debase when you allow your mind to become your enemy and the choice is in your hands).

If everything is in our hand, a question may arise as to why do we need to relate to so many other people around us. Do we confine ourselves to a secluded life? What then is the role of our parents, teachers, mentors, role-models if we and we only are responsible for our destiny?

We must recognize not only the above list but so many innumerable people who contributed and continue to contribute to our life. We must recognize and we must be grateful to all of them. We can, of course, not live all by ourself. Then don’t we control of our destiny? Would this mean Bhgavad Gita 6.5 is wrong?

Others show us the right path, they put us in the right path, may help us move along in the right path and can probably motivate us in traversing in the right path. But WE HAVE TO TRAVEL IT OURSELVES.

It is essential that we need to elevate ourselves and for that we have to befriend ourselves. How do we befriend ourselves? Lord Krishna is again cryptic about this. Lord Krishna used the same word atma multiple times in this sloka with different meanings. General interpretation here is to ‘befriend mind’. A controlled mind can accomplish many beneficial endeavors, whereas an uncontrolled mind can degrade the consciousness with most ignoble thoughts.

In order to be able to use our mind as a friend, it is important to understand the mind’s nature. Our mind operates at four levels as per our scriptures:

Mind: When it creates thoughts, we call it mana, or the mind.

Intellect: When it analyses and decides, we call it buddhi, or intellect.

Chitta: When it gets attached to an object or person, we call it chitta.

Ego: When it identifies with the bodily identifications and becomes proud of things like wealth, status, beauty, and learning, we call it ahankār, or ego.

It is important that we befriend all the four levels of mind and the most important step towards that would be to befriend the thoughts ie ‘reinforcement of positive thoughts’.  Befriending is not necessarily controlling the mind but managing the mind.

The mind is but a series of thoughts coming and going like the waves of the ocean. The mind is good when a good thought comes, it is evil when a bad thought comes. So one should generate as many good thoughts as possible continuously and cling to them at all costs.

எண்ணங்களின் உயர்வு எற்றங்களில் நிறைவு.  –  Jaganathan

Enhance your thoughts and Elevate yourself  – Jaganathan

How to enhance the thoughts. There are multiple techniques, and I have suggested few techniques in this episode.


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