Monday Musings 34 – New Year Resolutions

scrabble resolutions


Importance of making a new year resolution

Are you making a resolution this new year? Making a new year resolution; remember I mentioned ‘making a new year resolution’ and not ‘making and keeping a new year resolution; has become a fad.

All of us look forward to the fun of new year celebration. Is a resolution inevitable part of new year celebration?

Yes. Making a (minimum one) new year resolution helps us to introspect all important ‘purpose’ of our life.  Remember I mentioned in the last episode about ‘logotherapy’ of Viktor Frankl and Ikigai both of which revolves around the classical concept ‘making life worthwhile’.

Let me start the new year with the most apt question, what would make an ideal new year resolution?

Anything, that would adhere to the following yardsticks:

  • Is there a strong connection to your Ikigai, your mission and passion?  We will dwell more on understanding ikigai later.
  • Anything that would enhance your happiness. We live TO BE HAPPY
  • Not at the cost of diminishing anyone else’s happiness. Wherever possible, anything that would enhance the happiness of others around us as that would automatically enhance our happiness.

You’ll give yourself your best shot at success if you set a goal that’s doable — and meaningful too.

If you start by thinking about what is practically doable in small steps in 2023, your resolution(s) could add a bright spot to your year.

Add a bring spot to your new year 2023, by making (and keeping) a new year resolution.

Importance of keeping a new year resolution

Time management firm FranklinCovey surveyed more than 15,000 customers about their planned New Year’s resolutions and found out that four out of five people who make New Year’s resolutions eventually break them. In fact, a third don’t even make it to the end of January.Nearly 40 percent of those surveyed attributed breaking their resolutions to having too many other things to do, while 33 percent said they simply weren’t committed to the resolutions they set. But experts say the real problem is that people make wrong resolutions. The typical resolution often reflects a general desire, rather than a specific goal. A commitment would be missing.


I would like to reiterate here what I said 2 episodes back

It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” – Zig Ziglar

Remember your ikigai when making new year resolutions, track your commitments, focus on honouring your commitments. Remember to give kudos to yourself when you end up honouring your commitments. That boosts your confidence. Once a commitment is honoured, of course, make another commitment! Don’t have to wait for the next new year.

Incidentally the benchmarks explained earlier are proved to be the secrets of ‘defying ageing’ based on multiple studies. They are

  • Live for a purpose
  • Do as per your passion
  • Live happy
  • Live for your community.

These are little things that add up to a long and happy life

Antiaging attitudes

A study conducted at Yeshiva University found that the people who live the longest have two traits in coming: a positive attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness. Those who face challenges with a positive outlook and can manage their emotions will enjoy healthy longevity.

More about Ikigai in the next episode of MONDAY MUSINGS. Until then,

Make your purposeful new year resolution and commit to honour your resolutions.


Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article belong to the author. is neither responsible nor liable for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information in the article.



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