Lasyapriya’s Margazhi Vizha 2020

Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says “Among the months, I am Margazhi”.  Margazhi or Margaseersham is the most beautiful month of the Tamil Calendar.  It begins on the 15 or 16th of December and ends on the 14th or 15th of January.  This month is considered as the most divine & spiritual month and is celebrated with Bhakthi & Music in the Southern State of India, Tamil Nadu. People decorate the entrance to their homes with beautiful kolams or Rangolis and light oil lamps throughout the month, thus giving a very festive look to not only their homes, but to entire cities. They generally visit temples in the morning and go to Kutcheris or musical concerts in the evenings.  

In Chennai, the capital of the State, the Madras Music Academy began the practice of a weeklong dance & music festival in the year 1927, through which the Classical Music & dance forms of Tamil Nadu – Carnatic Music & Bharatanatyam were showcased. The tradition has now become quite popular as a month long celebration of True Culture in the City. The Margazhi Vizha is one of the biggest Classical Music & Dance festivals in the World.  Music and dance lovers from all over the world travel to Chennai during this month to experience the ancient cultural heritage of India. According to one report in The Pioneer, about 3000 Artists give 400 performances in the 300 Sabhas (Auditoriums) of Chennai during this month long celebration!!

For those artists and music lovers who could not be physically present in Chennai, Lasyapriya Fine Arts is organising the Margazhi Vizha 2020 at Karlsruhe, Germany.  The event is being organised by them since 2017, wherein musicians from in and around Germany come together to delight the local audiences. In spite of having the option of listening to Carnatic Music on the digital media through the multitude of Apps, the experience that one derives through a live concert is enchanting and elevating. 

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