Be grateful for challenges because… had there been no difficulties and no thorns in the way, then [each woman and] man would have been in their primitive state and no progress made in civilisation and mental culture.
– Dr. Anandi Gopal Joshi
A humanitarian and medical doctor who believes that there is a lot to learn in this short span of life from the world as well from each other! Born and brought up in the rich Dravidian culture, educated with the sense of right and wrong and encouraged from childhood to believe in gender equality by my beloved parents and siblings, started my medical career in 1991 after graduating from Madurai Medical college, first as a private practitioner for 7 years where I learnt about the practice of doctoring as an art, then in Indo Tibetan Border police as a priviliged medical officer for 10 years where I learned to be a part of an elite force and take lead role as an officer, finally joined Medicins sans frontieres which made me become humble, appreciate the resilience of human spirit against all odds and inspires me to become a better human being!
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